Experience healthcare that is truly personal, integrative, and empowering.
“Our clinic is rooted in the fundamental philosophy that health means so much more than the absence of disease. We believe in supporting your body’s innate ability to heal through natural and intuitive methods. Live Well Clinic has created a comprehensive health hub, bringing together doctors and health practitioners that deliver common sense, nourishing, non-toxic therapies to help you Live Happy and Live Well!”
— Dr. Sonja Fung
Naturopathic doctors (ND) are primary care doctors who are the original experts in integrative and functional medicine; combining extensive education and training in both science-based, natural and conventional medicine. There are two areas of focus in naturopathic medicine: one is supporting your body’s own healing abilities, and the other is empowering you to make lifestyle changes necessary for the best possible health. Naturopathic doctors serve as a catalyst for healthful change, motivating you to do what is necessary and encouraging you to take control of your health.
The doctors at Live Well Clinic spend quality time with you to understand and build a plan to help you achieve your health goals. Initial consultation is typically 60 minutes with a 30 minute follow up within 3-6 weeks. As your partners in health, we strive to find the cause of disease by addressing the patient as a whole being (body, mind, and spirit). We focus on helping you create a healthier environment, inside and out, in which to LIVE WELL rather than only relieving symptoms.
Naturopathic doctors utilize a variety of therapies such as nutrition, herbal medicine, vitamin therapy, bio-identical hormone balancing, regenerative injection techniques, non-drug pain management, and pharmaceutical intervention only as necessary. Often specialized and comprehensive lab work are utilized to pin-point and correct non-optimal areas of your health so that we can correct health imbalance before disease can set in. Prevention and optimal healthy living is our primary health goal.
As a parent, it is important to play an active and informed role in your child’s development. Our goal at Live Well Clinic, is to teach you and your child how to live an optimal life. We strive to educate and empower so you can make informed decisions best suited for all members of your family. Prevention and treating the root cause of disease is paramount to naturopathic philosophy.
The naturopathic doctors at Live Well Clinic focus on nutrition, stress management, sleep, and exercise as the foundation of your health. Supplements and medications are aimed to help us back to a balanced lifestyle. We follow the same philosophical approach with the children we see – to treat the whole child and not just a disease or condition. We will work together throughout your child’s care to address those concerns using the latest research and diagnostic tools to integrate the best of conventional and traditional medical therapies tailored to his or her unique needs.
Services Include
Well child exams - school age children and older
Vaccine education
Sports and school physicals
Nutritional education and food introduction education
Food allergy testing beyond and including IgE
Novel approaches to ADD, ADHD, and other behavior issues
Functional medicine approaches to gastroinstestinal health
Traditional methods for common cold, fever, ear infections, and coughs
Cancer is a multifaceted mechanism that affects the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. Where oncologists work to treat the cancer, Live Well’s integrative cancer care focuses on supporting overall health and emotional well-being of cancer patients – minimizing the side effects of strong cancer drugs and maintaining their energy while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.
The doctors will put together a unique treatment plan specific to your needs which can include:
IV Nutrient therapy- Vitamin C, Amino acids, Ozone, PolyMVA, Artusenate, and Multivitamin/ Mineral replenishment
Specialized nutrition plan
Mistletoe therapy
Personalized supplement support
Specialized blood work
It’s football season, and injuries to pro athletes are not uncommon. You may have noticed the increase in athletes turning to a cutting edge regenerative therapy called stem cell therapy to get back into the game quickly. Quarterback Peyton Manning, after suffering a severe injury in his neck, turned to stem cell therapy after a year of rehab and surgery that didn’t control his pain or completely heal the injury.
The new procedure in regenerative medicine is amniotic stem cell therapy. These cells are found in placental and umbilical cord blood, donated by healthy mothers. The tissues are heavily screened by the lab and then processed. Once the stem cells are isolated by a lab, they are deep frozen to store and then thawed immediately prior to use. Stem cells can either be injected into an area of injury, such as an arthritic or torn joint, applied to the skin for aesthetics, or infused intravenously for chronic and auto-immune disease treatment.
Stem cells are known as “progenitor” cells. This means they remain dormant unless they witness some level of tissue injury and are stimulated by inflammatory chemical signals. Stem cells make a decision what cell tissue they become depending on the environment they are in or in the case of stem cell treatment what part of the body the cells are injected. They use our body’s master blueprint to create intelligent internal repair.
When a person has a degenerative injury or disease, stem cells naturally migrate to the area of need and regenerate the tissue through a natural repair process. It’s when this process becomes less effective that our tissues are not able to recover. With the introduction of concentrated healthy stem cells to the area damaged by disease it is possible to regenerate new and healthy function in the tissue. This is the premise of stem cell therapy.
Stem Cell Therapy, while still experimental, has been used to treat patients with a wide variety of conditions from multiple sclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic fatigue, and chronic viral infections, to joint injuries from sports, low back pain, rotator cuff injuries, and arthritis in knees and hips. It is exciting to now have options to heal through stem cells what used to be only corrected through surgery.
Ozone gas consists of three oxygen atoms as opposed to the two oxygen molecules found in the air we breathe. It occurs naturally and creates the ozone layer, Earth’s protective layer from the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation.
Ozone therapy is a novel, safe, and effective therapy that utilizes medical grade oxygen/ozone gas created by an advanced medical device in a certified doctor’s office. Ozone therapy is typically used for its tissue regenerative, immune-supportive, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and anti-aging properties. The effects of Ozone therapy are proven, safe, and with minimal or no side effects.
Ozone therapy is scientifically valid with hundreds, if not thousands of published research papers supporting its mechanisms of action, biological effects, effectiveness and safety.
Reduce chronic inflammation (oxidative stress)
Support tissue repair (enhances the release of growth factors)
Increase cellular energy
Reduce oxidized LDL (“bad cholesterol”)
Improve oxygen delivery to cells and circulation
Up-regulate the antioxidant system
Modulate the immune system
If you have chronic pain resulting from sports injuries or arthritis, regenerative injection therapy (RIT) is an effective alternative to surgery, cortisone shots, and drugs. Regenerative injections therapies such as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Prolotherapy, work by stimulating the body to repair the painful injured area(s) by stimulating your body’s natural healing response, stem-cell aggregation and inflammation at a much stronger and more focused effort than when the injury first occurred. RIT allows the body to restart the healing cascade even in injuries that are decades old, allowing for the injured joint to heal in a more complete way.
Regenerative injections, the latest in pain management solutions, involves 3-6 rounds of injections to the area of chronic pain or a damaged joint. Prolotherapy injections consist of a solution of dextrose, lidocaine, and saline to stimulate a localized inflammatory healing response into the area of ligament injury. PRP uses a concentrated solutions of platelets from your blood to facilitate growth and repair of ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue. The treatment works to strengthen the damaged tissue over the next 2-3 weeks, allowing you to continue your daily activities with little downtime and minimal discomfort.
Conditions helped by regenerative injections:
Sprains and unstable joints
Torn ligaments
Chronic joint pain
Degenerative Disks
Cartilage injuries
Over-use injuries
Whip lash
Sports injuries
Pre/Post treatment recommendations:
No aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products for 7-10 days prior to the procedure.
No fish oil/omega oils for ten days prior to procedure.
No swimming or hot tub/bath 48-72 hours post treatment.
No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours post-treatment.
Use a neoprene or light weight brace/wrap over the injected joint for the next 24-48 hours and during exercise.
All of the hormones in your body are designed to work together to provide optimal wellness and vitality. Most of us put enormous demands on our body; much more stress than we were designed to deal with. We often do not give our bodies adequate support to deal with the stressors in our lives.
As humans we go through hormonal changes, especially during midlife. Men and women may not have exactly the same symptoms, and they handle the changes in their bodies and minds in different fashions, but the both can benefit from natural hormone therapy.
Many people put off seeking the advice and help from their physician hoping their symptoms will go away, but for most people it does not. The mood swings, disconnect from your spouse, sexual difficulties and physical changes, such as weight gain, can make you feel like your life is crumbling. Don’t let embarrassment or denial keep you from seeking professional help. There are new, safe and natural treatments that will help you gain control of the hormonal rollercoaster that is happening inside.
Our natural hormone balancing program consists of a comprehensive initial consultation, physical examination, collection* or review of your lab tests, a detailed plan to optimize your happiness, and potentially a prescription of compounded bio-identical hormones.
*Some lab work may have additional charge
Imagine a weight-loss program that takes out all the guess work. Our doctor supervised natural weight-loss program effectively help optimize your hormone balance through nutrition, B-vitamin therapy, and weekly coaching sessions. We utilize a safe and effective hormone to alert the brain center that regulates the rate at which we burn our fat reserves. Chronic stress, hormone imbalances and improper diet are all known to inhibit the function of this brain center.*
Detoxification diets are fundamentally a weight loss program as well. Live Well Clinic’s doctors developed a detox protocol that is focused on helping individuals cleanse their body, gain energy all the while shedding weight. (individual and group programs available)*
For some individuals specialized diets are used to lose weight.* Persons with diabetes, low blood sugar, PCOS, or food allergies will have a unique diet plan focused on individual weight loss needs.*
*Results may vary from HCG and other weight loss programs.
Intravenous (IV) nutritional therapy is an excellent way to get vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and medicines directly into your bloodstream to more effectively nourish and rebuild your body. If your digestive system is impaired or damaged by inflammation from food allergies/sensitivities, over-use of medications like antacids or antibiotics, or from chemotherapy and radiation, your cells will have difficulty absorbing enough oral nutrients. Through an IV, we are able to bypass the digestive system and directly deliver to your cells much higher doses of nutrients than could typically be given and absorbed orally.
IV infusions can be used both preventatively, to maintain optimal health, as well as to treat acute and chronic conditions. IV therapy is safe and effective for strengthening the immune system during acute illnesses, stress, or fatigue. IV therapy can also dramatically improve chronic conditions like autoimmune diseases or chronic infections. It is especially useful for people who have impaired digestive function due to cancer treatment, autoimmune disease, diabetes, and surgery.
Benefits of Vitamin IVs:
Enhanced immune system and increased energy
Immediate availability of cellular nutrition
Bypasses the digestive tract for 100% absorption
Relieves stress, improves sleep, and slows aging
Improved overall mood and sense of well being
Are Vitamin IVs safe?
Long history of safety and efficacy
Infused and monitored by full medical staff of doctors and medical assistants
Safer delivery method for large nutrient doses not as well tolerated orally
Pharmaceutical grade compounded injectable solutions by Board certified compounding pharmacies
At Live Well Clinic we provide IV vitamin and mineral infusions for all levels of health and wellness. Before your first IV, visit with one of our doctors to find the perfect plan for you. We invite you to experience the most effective way to go beyond the basics and strive for maximum vitality. Experience “healthy cocktails” that can optimize your health and wellness.
Many people find IV nutrient hydration indispensable during our wedding and music concert (Coachella/ Stagecoach) seasons. Ask about our in-home/hotel services when planning your next celebration!
Vitamin injections are a quick and effective method of receiving various nutrients. They are indicated for a variety of issues including fatigue, depression, anemia, heart health, improved metabolism, and more. Most people experience an immediate boost of energy when receiving a vitamin injection while others report a pleasant, calming buzz that may last for a few days.
What is PRP Micro-Needling facial rejuvenation?
The MicroPen™ Rejuvenation treatment combined with the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is the latest cutting-edge therapy in the field of natural cosmetic enhancements. Medical Micro-Needling of skin, also referred to as collagen induction therapy (CIT), is a relatively new concept aimed at stimulating the body’s own collagen and elastin production to tighten, lift and rejuvenate the skin.
How does it work?
The premise is simple – create a small wound and the skin will respond with collagen production and new skin cells. Depending on the depth of the needle penetration, the MicroPen™ can offer skin rejuvenation levels from the simple enhancement of product absorption to the clinical treatment of scars and wrinkles.
Superficial treatment levels are very tolerable with nothing more than a topical numbing cream (the lightest application requires no numbing at all) applied prior to the treatment. In the instance of aggressive treatments, the doctor will discuss the options for making the treatment the most comfortable for you.
The procedure takes 90 minutes from start to finish. 60 minutes for numbing and 15-30 minutes for the actual procedure, depending on the size of the area treated.
What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?
PRP is a natural substance created from your own body. A small amount of blood is drawn from you and placed in a sterile tube that is spun down in a centrifuge to separate the different components of the blood. Red and white blood cells are divided from the platelets and is called platelet rich plasma, or PRP.
Why platelets rejuvenate skin:
Platelets are the cells in the blood that help tissue to heal and grow new cells. The PRP acts as a matrix that promotes your own collagen to grow, regenerates tissue, and thus acts to naturally smooth and tighten the skin. The MicroPen™ uses a pattern of micro-needles to drive the PRP in to the dermis and epidermis. In this way, PRP softens wrinkles and creates smoother skin texture and tone.
What conditions benefit from PRP facial rejuvenation?
This treatment is used to help patients with all skin types, and is a corrective and preventative therapy to:
• Treat fine lines and wrinkles
• Manage scars from acne or other injuries
• Improve skin texture and color from melasma
• Reduce pore size and stretch mark appearance
• Tighten skin and stimulates new collagen growth
The MicroPen™ is used to enhance the skin on the face, neck, décolletage, back, abdomen, arms, hands and legs.
What is the downtime?
The procedure will leave a redness that resembles a raspberry or a sunburn. The redness may take anywhere from 24 hours to 4 days to go away, but for most, is gone within a day of treatment. There may be some skin peeling 24-48 hours after treatment. You can apply non-mineral make-up within 60 minutes of the procedure.
How many treatments will I need?
For optimal results, we usually perform 3-4 treatments in monthly intervals. More severe or advanced conditions, such as scars or deeper wrinkles, can require up to 8 sessions spaced anywhere from 4-6 weeks apart. Package pricing is available.
When will I see the results?
Visible changes to the skin develop over the course of several days and weeks. 60-90 days is the optimal time to visualize changes in the face area. Results continue to improve up to 6 months after the treatment as collagen production continues.
Pre/Post treatment recommendations:
• No aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products for 5 days prior to treatment. Tell your doctor if you’re on blood thinners.
• Do not go swimming and limit sun exposure for at least 24-72 hours post treatment.
• No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours post-treatment.
• On the day of treatment, please keep your face clean and do not apply makeup before coming in.
Lose Fat * Reduce Inflammation and Pain * Clarify your Skin * Increase Energy and Mental Clarity * Eliminate Cravings and Blood Sugar Imbalances * Restore your Natural Digestive and Detoxification Functions
Cleansing involves dietary and lifestyle changes that reduce your toxic burden and improve your elimination processes, almost like how an oil change for a car improves its efficiency. Taking a break from inflammatory foods like sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, reduces the chronic stress loaded daily on your detox organs. The Live Well 21 day Nutrition Reboot allows you to take a time out from running on full throttle every day of your life. It’s three weeks out of your life where you simply choose YOU as a priority. Self-care habits and feeding your body optimal fuel during the 21 day cleanse enriches your cellular nutrient reserves and can very quickly change the state of how you feel. No one has ever regretted making this journey toward health. The 21 days aren’t without challenges, but the rewards are great!
During this time, many people are able to identify and eliminate specific chemicals and/or foods that cause inflammation and immune imbalances in their body, resulting in increased energy, weight loss, normalization of digestive function, more restful sleep, and a reduction in pain, headaches, and other chronic disease symptoms.
Most participants choose to participate in the Live Well 21 day Nutrition Reboot program every 6 months because it’s a simple “re-set” to nip bad habits before you turn to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle once again. It allows your body to rest and recover from the constant stress of an overflow of toxic burden. Ask about our popular Live Well 21 day Nutrition Reboot Group program. Joining a group cleanse program has the advantage of accountability and support and increases your chances of a successful cleanse. Plus, we all have fun together.
21 Day Nutrition Reboot Program Group Option (Live Well Revitalize Program) Includes:
Step-by-Step recipe guide, instruction and materials
Complete 21-day supply of Cleansing protein shakes (meal replacement), antioxidant and vitamin
greengoodness powder and detox supplements.
Shopping Lists and guided grocery store tour (if local, held at Whole Foods)
Weekly Body Composition Testing
Education Sessions led by Live Well’s doctors and nutritionist for your success
Topics include how food can cause or contribute to disease
Food Allergies, low down on gluten and grains
Arthritis and pain treatment through diet
Weight loss tips
How to find out what foods are INTOLERANT in your body
Our ever popular 21 Day Group Nutrition Reboot Program is ongoing at Live Well Clinic in La Quinta! Join us for our quarterly classes. Go to our calendar page for the next start date. Cost: $299
Introducing Reiki, Live Well Clinic’s Newest Wellness Therapy.
Maybe you’ve heard of acupuncture or cupping in the past- maybe you’ve even given them a try. But have you heard of its equally effective sibling, Reiki?
Meaning “Universal Life Energy” in Japanese, Reiki is a unique therapy where healing energy flows from the practitioner to the client. It is felt that the source of Reiki comes from a subtle wisdom that permeates all living things. Safe, gentle, and non-invasive, Reiki helps bring balance to all areas: mind, body and spirit.
During a Reiki session, you will lie on a comfortable massage table or sit in a reclining chair- fully clothed- as the certified Reiki practitioner uses a light touch or hovers their hands above your skin. This technique is based on the idea that the practitioner encourages the flow of one’s own spiritual energy. You’ll enjoy feelings of warmth and peace, finding yourself in a deep state of relaxation – Reiki is so relaxing that many times clients fall asleep! The relaxation response happens when the body shifts from the “Fight or Flight” response to the “rest and Digest” response. It is in this state that the body begins to heal itself
The popularity of Reiki has increased over the past few years, being used in many medical facilities and spas around the world as a complementary tool to maximize patient care and minimize recovery. It is important to know that Reiki combines seamlessly with medications, surgery, acupuncture, chemotherapy, and psychotherapy by strengthening the benefits received from these health interventions. Nicole Kidman, Michael Flatley, and Gwyneth Paltrow are among the many celebrities who rely on Reiki to stay in tip-top shape. And why wouldn’t they? Reiki is great for anyone seeking relief from ailments such as stress, physical or emotional pain, depression, high blood pressure, poor digestion, and insomnia.
Ready to give Reiki a try? For the ultimate in stress relief and rejuvenation, try a Reiki session at Live Well Clinic.
Meet the Staff
Dr. Sonja Fung, ND
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Cristal Salcido, ND
Naturopathic Doctor
Sheri Hein
Certified Reiki Teacher
Cynthia Kangos
Health and Wellness Coach
Theresa Miller, CM
Clinic Manager
Alyssa Morales, NMA
Naturopathic Medical Assistant
Giliana Chan-Molina, NMA
Naturopathic Medical Assistant